Our Tournaments

Look forward to our tournaments, the Wiesbaden Poker World. We play with a maximum of 40 participants.

Our Monday tournaments offer a varied programme.
The Deep Stack Sundays are played as usual on the penultimate Sunday of an even-numbered month.

No entry fee is charged for all tournaments, all tournament buy-ins are paid out at 100 per cent!

Texas Summer Classics

Unser neues Turnier "Texas No Limit Summer Classics" ist ein Turnier in Wiesbaden mit 2 Starttagen!

  • Donnerstag, 29.08.2024 - Sonntag, 01.09.2024
    • Donnerstag Tag 1a - Start 19:00 Uhr
    • Freitag Tag 1b - Start 19:00 Uhr
    • Samstag Tag 2 - Start 17:00 Uhr
    • Sonntag Tag 3 - Start 17:00 Uhr
  • Texas No Limit Buy-In 1.000 € + 100 €
  • Starting Stack 25.000 Chips, unlimited Rebuys für 1.000 € 25.000 Chips, Levels 20-50 Minuten
  • 100 € Food & Beverage, nur gültig solange man im Turnier ist

Satellite Turniere ab Juli!

Anmelden können Sie sich direkt hier.

Summer Satellites

  • ab Juli: alle Montags-Texas Turniere sind Satellite-Turniere
  •  Buy-In 100 €, unlimited Rebuys
  • Starting Stack 5.000 Chips, Levels 20-30 Minuten

Anmelden können Sie sich direkt hier.

Monday tournaments

They now have cult status among poker players.

We offer a varied programme of Omaha and Texas Holdem tournaments.

Start at 7.30 pm.
Starting stack 7000.
Level time 30 minutes.

You can find detailed information on the respective tournaments here.

Deep Stack Sunday

The Deep Stack tournaments take place on the penultimate Sunday of every even-numbered month.

They are the best remedy against boredom or for all those who need more excitement than the crime scene on Sunday promises.

The starting stack is 12,000 and the level time is 40 minutes. Start is at 17:00 hrs in each case.
Please register in good time directly on site or here via the homepage.

Our Blind Structures